Massaging the skin while applying the scrub with Himalayan salt helps to thoroughly remove dead skin cells and helps stimulate blood circulation. This removes the toxins that cause cellulitis.
Gently cleanses the skin and scents it with fresh notes of fresh mint, chamomile, rosemary and warming cinnamon.
On contact with water, it turns into a body milk lotion that softens and nourishes the skin, restores its hydration and balance and gives it a long-lasting softness.
It helps remove cellulitis
Massaging the skin while applying the scrub helps to stimulate blood circulation. This removes the toxins that cause cellulitis.
NeoActine™ Camellia
NeoActine™ Camellia, a bioactive ingredient, contains oil-soluble polyphenolic substances from Chinese tea tree and together with rosemary extract gives the product antioxidant effects. Chinese tea tree has known effects in cellulitis.
NeoActine™ Chamomille
NeoActine™ Chamomille contains chamomile extract to soothe skin irritated by the scrub.
Cannabidiol is the main active ingredient from cannabis flowers with strong anti-inflammatory and soothing effects. Lipolytic effects, are promoting fat loss, are being studied.
Alfa-bisabolol is the main active ingredient in chamomile. It has long been used in cosmetics for its anti-inflammatory, healing, soothing and antimicrobial properties. It is particularly suitable for very sensitive, dry, red or UV-damaged skin.
Skin refreshment
Mint essential oils bring immediate refreshment to the skin, cinnamon oil stimulates blood circulation and thus helps the body remove toxins that cause cellulitis.
Clinically proven effect on cellulitis*
- Reduction of cellulitis by 37 %
- Reduction of thigh circumference by up to 3,8 cm
- Increase in skin elasticity by up to 57 %
- Increase in skin firmness by up to 41 %
A study* conducted on 20 women aged 39 – 58 years suffering from severe cellulitis showed that after applying the ISO-SLIM COMPLEX™ gel once a day for 6 weeks, there was a visible reduction of cellulitis by an average of 37%, a reduction in thigh circumference by 3.8 cm, an increase in skin elasticity by 57% and an increase in skin firmness by 41%.
Neolipo™ REFINE
Bioactive liposomal ingredients of Neolipo™ REFINE containing encapsulated extracts of Guarana and green tea containing caffeine and polyphenols, effectively penetrating the skin.
Iso-Slim Complex™
Iso-Slim Complex™, a clinically proven Swiss natural active ingredient, with 37% cellulitis reduction in 6 weeks (in a high concentration of 4%, at which a clinical study was done)
Firmiderm™ is an original, patented active ingredient that consists of a synergistic combination of 3 plant extracts and substances.
It is a specially developed substance for firming and tightening the skin. Firmiderm™ consists of substances and plant extracts of chestnut fruit, elder flower and silver greywood leaf.
It helps remove toxinsa
Mint essential oils bring instant refreshment to the skin, cinnamon oil stimulates blood circulation and helps the body remove toxins that cause cellulitis.
Iso-Slim Complex™ Study Results
Imuni Refine Spray contains Iso-Slim Complex™, which has been shown in double-blind clinical studies to increase skin softness and elasticity. It also significantly reduces the appearance of cellulitis.
The original study is available here.
Click on the graph to enlarge it.
Results of Iso-Firmiderm™ studies
The Firmiderm™ ingredient in Imuni Refine Spray has been subjected to double-blind clinical studies where it has been confirmed to have a significant effect on increasing skin elasticity and firmness.
The original study is available here.
Improving skin elasticity
A double-blind randomised study was conducted on 15 volunteers with a mean age of 58 years.
All volunteers suffered from loss of skin elasticity on the outer side of the forearm.
Study subjects applied two preparations twice daily (morning and evening) for 4 weeks. They used a placebo cream on one forearm and 3% Firmiderm™ on the other. Study participants did not know which cream was placebo and which contained 3% Firmiderm™. During the study, subjects did not use other substances for increased skin elasticity.
A quantitative measurement of skin elasticity after 28 days showed an increase in elasticity of up to 26%.
Increasing skin firmness
A double-blind randomised study was conducted on 9 volunteers aged 46 to 66 years.
Study participants with loss of skin firmness applied the cream on the forearm twice daily (morning and evening) for 6 weeks, without the use of other products.
They applied placebo cream on one forearm and 3% Firmiderm™ cream on the other. After six weeks, the forearms to which Firmiderm™ was applied showed 20% lower elasticity of volume, i.e. increased skin firmness.
Ohlasy zákazníků
Blanka P.
Já jsem velice spokojená. Napadlo mě zkusit produkty Refine na celé tělo, dekolt a obličej a moc doporučuji. 👍👍 Krásně zpevní a vyhladí pokožku a to nejen na stehnech. Podbradek a kontury obličeje krásně zpevní, krk a dekolt. Nádhera 🙏 Určitě vyzkoušejte. Je to skvělá sada. Za mojí osobu 💯💯💯
Eva P.
Já jsem moc spokojená. Scrub je úžasný úplně zbožňuji tu pokožku po umytí. Prostě nádhera. Vůně je pro mě taky super jelikož máta a skořice jsou mí oblíbenci. Refine produkty používám už delší dobu, ale scrub jsem používala tak 1x týdně a spray se přiznám že né každý den, ale v neděli to budou v kuse 3 týdny kdy scrub používám 4x za týden a spray 2x denně. Sama jsem zvědavá jaký rozdíl bude podle fotek.
Hana S.
Ja jsem momentálně ve fázi testování a musím vychválit. Nádherné voní oba výrobky. Scrub krásné vyhladí pokožku už během sprchování a sprej pak práci dokončí. Zatím používám asi 3 týdny a musím říct, že pokožka je opravdu krásně vyhlazena. Doporučuji všemi deseti!
Refine v praxi
Fotografie pořízeny před a po pravidelném používání Refine SCRUB a SPRAY v rozmezí 5ti týdnů.
Účinky produktů Refine při pravidelném používání
Pravidelné používání produktů Refine SCRUB a SPRAY napomáhá udržovat pokožku pružnou, pevnou a jemnou.